Andromeda and her sisters in fate

At the bottom of the Crypt we find the prototype of female martyrdom, Andromeda—the helpless, naked woman sacrificed in order to rescue her people.

At the first glance her tale is one of female weakness and male superiority. But it is her beauty that attracts the hero, and it is her helplessness that makes him fight for her, and to act as a hero: She makes the hero who delivers her.

The fascination of the helpless, naked maiden, which the Greeks condensed in the Andromeda myth, did not end with antiquity; it was one of the motivations behind the art representations of female Christian martyrs, and it is still working today.

This section shows maidens from antiquity who were offered to monsters, plus some later adaptations of their myths.

  1. Andromeda (last change:
    • §1 (antique): 2015-10-30,
    • §2 (medieval): 2017-07-01,
    • §3a (baroque: sculptures): 2024-03-30,
    • §3b (baroque: plates and vessels): 2024-01-08,
    • §3c (baroque: paintings, engravings, etc.): 2024-04-12,
    • §4a (XIXth Century: sculptures): 2024-04-12,
    • §4b (XIXth Century: paintings, engravings): 2024-03-28,
    • §5 (modern): 2024-03-28,
    • §6 (astronomy): 2023-12-31)
  2. Lady Amoret (last change: 2021-10-20)
  3. Angelica of Cathay (last change:
    • §1 (old art): 2024-04-08,
    • §2 (modern art): 2023-10-06)
    • (the hermit): 2024-04-14)
  4. Ann Darrow (last change: 2024-04-14)
  5. Freya (last change: 2023-04-25)
  6. Hesione of Troy (last change: 2023-10-24)
  7. Lucina of Damascus (last change: 2023-07-17)
  8. Olympia of Dordrecht (last change: 2023-10-30)
  9. May Margaret of Spindleston Heugh (last change: 2023-04-19)
  10. Sabra of Silene (last change: 2024-03-03)
  11. Lady Serena (last change: 2024-04-16)
  12. Sylvia (last change: 2023-11-13)
  13. slavic rites (last change: 2019-01-23)
  14. victims of the Minotaur (last change: 2024-04-15)
  15. other sacrificed maidens (last change: 2023-10-04)