Female victims of the 2nd Troian War

The 1st Troian War—the war of the argonauts, among them Herakles, against Troy—had led to the enslavement of Hesione, but had not damaged Troy much and in particular left its ruling family in power. The 2nd Troian War, reported by Homer in his epos Ilias, ended with the total destruction of Troy.

Not only the warriors suffered in this war, but also women. Ironically, the woman who had been the cause of the war, the faithless Helena, resumed her position as queen of Sparta; many innocent women, however, had to pay a high price.

  1. Andromache (last change: 2014-12-25)
  2. Cassandra (last change: 2023-07-07)
  3. Helena (last change: 2023-04-06)
  4. Iphigenia (last change: 2024-04-07)
  5. Polyxena (last change: 2024-02-27)